About me

Jun 18, 2015

Bulaomi 不老密保湿蚕丝面膜

在开头之前呢,要告诉你们这个不是邀稿文 是我自购购买分享心得哦 
最近FB, Instagram很热门的产品 【不老密 Bulaomi】 
大家不妨可以看看我这篇文章,虽然这面膜是我使用过那么多面膜牌子中 最昂贵的
可是我觉得物超所值,为什么呢?让我们继续看下去 (戏中对白?) 

第一次购买【不老密 Bulaomi】,由于因为我是干燥皮肤 所以卖家推荐我拿
【干燥肌肤/锁水保湿蚕丝面膜】卖家告诉我 【干燥肌肤】能够保湿,美白,祛痘,修复



干燥肌 - 锁水保湿蚕丝面膜



这是我哥哥啦!我让他试用【不老密】面膜,因为你知道男生不爱保养 所以皮肤都干燥 

“诶,妹 我觉得你给我用的这个面膜很好一下哦 我觉得我的脸很水润 没有干燥了,而且你看我的脸是不是有点白了?”

哥哥告诉我了这句我直接属于惊讶状态耶!没想到这些话从我哥哥口中说出来 XD
他说 【 有啊,mask很服帖 而且很多精华液,感觉肌肤喝水了一样!而且我的脸白了x2】

好啦!知道你们可能不信我说所得,可是你看 我牺牲了自己用了【他牌面膜】 
然后和哥哥使用的【不老密】面膜来做对比!至于我敷的面膜是什么牌子 就不方便告诉大家啦!
即使弯腰拿东西也不会掉,不知道你们知道吗 普通的面膜敷的时候 只要头往下一点 额头部分就会跌出来了 

 好 让大家再来看他牌面膜和不老密面膜!面膜材质当然是不老密赢
服帖度当然也是不老密,因为它是服帖的看到肌肤 甚至毛孔也可以看见

突然感到我的脸好可怜 因为我的脸是用他牌面膜,在幅面膜之前我的脸保湿度是32.9% 
敷了他牌面膜15分钟过后,我的脸蛋保湿程度是 44.8%  为什么才提升那么少啦!
敷了之后还觉得皮肤有点紧绷 而且精华液也太少了

然而,我哥哥敷的【不老密】 他的脸蛋保湿程度之前是36.0% 
难怪我哥哥说敷了不老密之后觉得脸蛋喝了水一样饱满 doi doi的感觉!敷完面膜以后还拿多余的精华液涂颈部按摩吸收呢!哈哈哈

而且敷了3片不老密之后 我真的发现我脸上的大毛孔缩小了许多,再说不老密的面膜精华液超多!
他们都说很好用!于是我就很迅速的用完了10片不老密 也再次购入了两盒不老密面膜
忘了和大家说不老密不只是有【干燥肌】而已哦 不老密还有 





使用效成份迅速渗透皮肤深层,深入 毛囊分解排出毛囊管内的油脂,抗菌消炎,消褪红肿,


【干燥肌 - 锁水保湿蚕丝面膜】



【敏感肌- 防敏舒缓蚕丝面膜】



四种系列的面膜选择,当然你可以向卖家询问 哪个系列才是适合你的


Wechat: onlyjane96 
Instagram: @janee_lovebeautystore 

Jun 17, 2015

Brighter n' Glowing Skin with Belree

Hello Girls, I didn't know have you heard about Belree before but it's okay cuz today I going to review this series of products from Belree to you! Honestly, it's my currently favorites skin care!!! Especially for girls who wanted Brighter, Glowing, Radiant and Glowing skin like me :D 

不知道大家有听过Belree这牌子吗,它是来自韩国 老实说我也没听过 

Belree Protective Day Cream and Belree Hydrating Night Cream by AM Professional Skin Care 
Belree 全效净白活肌素以及Belree 全效高倍净白晚上来自 AM Professional Skin Care 

 Belree Protective Day Cream
contain natural Pinecone Extract, various herbal and botanical extracts, plus anti-bacterial, anti-inflammation enzymes and abundant of vitamins to give you the effective long lasting fairness. 

The main active ingredient used in Belree's Protective Day Cream are pinecones (from Korea) which are high in antioxidants such as Vitamins A, Vitamin B complex group, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and other antioxidants which are crucial to develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful free radical. 


 Belree Protective Day Cream helps to decompose and eliminate black spots, freckles, pigmentation and bacterial caused acne. Long term usage of this product, gives you a soft, fair, supply and hydrated complexion. After getting to know so much effect Belree Protective Day Cream can gives, I was like OMG, I needed this product cuz I am Acne Prone Skin Type, so far I went to so many different beauty parlor to cleanse my face but still... my acne are still remains..  

当我知道Belree全效净白活肌素竟然可以给那么多的功效 我完全就是出于惊吓状态耶!

Direction: Apply Belree Protective Day Cream after cleansing. Dab the cream with your finger ( please make sure your fingers are cleaned before applying) on your forehead, cheeks, nose and chin (2-3 dabs on each). Message the cream gently into the skin to ensure the whole face is being covered and properly absorbed by the skin. 


Overall 感想: 
Belree Protective Day Cream texture are harder cream texture, so it's not easily to apply. Hence i personally recommended use any face cream or moisturizer before applying. So far, I quite in love with this Day Cream because it gave me coverage which make me no need to apply any foundation anymore! Yes, it's gave me coverage and fairness complexion.  

不过我还蛮喜欢这个日霜,因为它给我遮瑕能力!对,你没看错 是遮瑕能力!恩,所以我只需要使用它 我就不必上任何底妆了 因为它就是我的底妆!此外它还有SPF 15帮助防晒哦!

 Belree Hydrating Night Cream
contain high protein botanical extracts (pinecone) which contain Vitamin A, D, E and bio-regenesis substances which penetrates deep into skin layer to revitalize the cell membrane, and activate the break down of melanin which causes the appearance of skin pigmentation, 

 Belree Hydrating Night Cream also contain pearl powder, anti-bacterial and an effective anti-inflammation elements which effectively improves skin allergy, swelling, itchiness while maintaining the skin elasticity and hydration. At the same time, it also maintain and improve elasticity & firmness. 


Direction: Apply Belree Hydrating Night Cream after cleansing. Dab the cream with your finger (please make sure your fingers are cleaned before applying) on your forehead, cheeks, nose and chin. Massage the cream gently into the skin to ensure the whole face is being covered and properly absorbed by the skin. 


Overall 感想:
 Belree Hydrating Night Cream Texture is very creamy which is easily apply. All you needed is just a tiny bit of amount, or else it will be too oily. Less is more. It does really gives my skin a bouncy feeling, very hydrated and non-sticky!!! Even I only apply a tiny bit of amount.  

Belree全效高倍净白晚霜质地非常柔滑 很容易推开,但是用量不能太多 否则脸部会感觉很油腻。
我最喜欢它的原因是它真的给我皮肤一种很保湿的感觉 而且不粘腻。

Balancing Cream 平衡霜 
Balancing Cream equipped with moisturizing function, it is exclusively formulated to attend to dehydrated and sensitive skin as a result of excessive usage of acidic skin care products. Skin's immune system is strengthened and its repairing function helps generate healthy and lively skin. 

平衡霜配有保湿功能 ;专门为缺水,敏感,酸性护肤品过度使用者而配制,它可以增加皮肤免疫系统达到有弹性有光泽幼嫩靓丽透白效果

Direction: Apply Balancing Cream onto cleaned face gently and evenly. 

Overall 感想: 
Balancing Cream texture is very lightweight, is use before applying Day Cream and Night Cream. As I mentioned, it's specially formulated for Dehydrated and Sensitive Skin. So it worked pretty well on me.


After using Belree products for a month, I really can't say any cons about it. It's works pretty good on me, it's gave my skin more hydrated, glowing and brighter yet my acne are actually getting better. The most important is, it doesn't let my skin inflammation or pop out any pimple!! Girls, if you are looking for a products which will give your skin Hydrate, Glowing effects in short term you should give Belree a try :) 

使用了Belree产品一个月多,我真的找不到任何差评给予此产品。因为它真的很有效,而且此产品也给我肌肤有如产品所说的更明亮,透亮,保湿的肌肤。更重要的是,我使用了这产品以后 我皮肤没有任何敏感症状或冒痘痘。女孩们,脸蛋只有一个啊!如果你们也想要得到像鸡蛋一样具有弹性完美无瑕的肌肤,你们可以尝试Belree产品!效果绝对不会让你后悔!

Belree Skincare Give You:-

Whitening 美白
Brightening 光泽
Hydrating 保湿
Kill Bacteria 杀菌
Heal Inflammation 消炎
Lighten Pigmentation 淡斑
Lighten Pimple Scars 淡疤
Even Skintone 均衡肤色

To make an order or inquiries please contact: -
有兴趣购买的朋友们 可以联络: -

One Mini Ser RM75
Three Mini Set RM210
instagram: amazing.miracle 
wechat: shayvene 

Magic Eye Skinny Brown Lens Review

As I mentioned in my previous post, Klenspop sponsoring two different contact lens this time, So I will make two different post to review two different contact lens! Well, I actually worked with Klenspop before, so in case you didn't read it, so feel free to check out my review at here if you’d like. Now let's onto the review!

Contact Lens Manual 

Lens Info

Diameter: 14.2mm
Graphic Diameter: 13.5mm
Water Content: 38%
Base Curve: 8.6mm
Life Span: 1 year (Max)
Country of origin: South Korea

Price Includes: 1 PAIR (2 pcs) + BONUS CASE 

Close-up shoot 

Compared with ML1 Gray, Skinny brown are much more natural and diameter are apparently smaller. These lens are lighter color, and i quite love the pattern in middle! Which makes my eyes look mesmerizing! 

Don't you think these lens is really eyes-catching? The color is so bright and pop. Yet, is not exaggeration!!! Is damn natural but beautiful! I must says, Skinny Brown are my new favorites!! Yay, it's just look good in every different makeup. Even bold makeup or natural makeup. I personally highly recommended for you girls, if you are liking this type of lens like me. This won't disappointed you! I promised! I hope you guys found it helpful and if you have any further questions feel free to leave me a comment! 

Comfort: ♥♥♥♥/5

Price: $13 
Website: www.klenspop.com  
Link: http://klenspop.com/en/home/447-magic-eye-skinny-brown.html?search_query=skinny+brown&results=2

ML1 Gray Circle Lens Review

Thank you Klenspop for sponsoring me contact lens for review again, this time I going to review ML1 Gray Circle Lens. Just in case you didn't know I’ve actually worked with them in the past before, so feel free to check out my review at here if you’d like. Now let's onto the review!

So the shipping was pretty fast, like one week to received them safely. This time I received two different lens so that I can't review them in one post, but no worries girl! I will paste the link at the bottom post so you still read my review on other contact lens that klenspop sent to me!

As usual, they provided a pair of lens with lens case! And here's the close-up shot of lens in their vials. 

Lens Details:

Name: ML1 Gray ($13.00)
Brand: G&G Contact lens
Diameter: 14.3mm
Graphic Diameter: 14.0mm
Water Content: 38%
Base Curve: 8.6mm
Life Span: 1 year (Max)
Country of origin: South Korea 

The lens pattern is super gorgeous! I really love how these look. But I feel like ML1 Gray are slightly larger than previous lens I reviewed. But who cares, it's look good on me! That's all matter heh.. So i wouldn't recommend for you if you are looking for natural lens without too many pattern! But only if close-up, if normal shoot is fine, is look quite natural! Due to I used spotlight to shoot, so you might see the lens is a bit exaggeration. You can refer to photo below I took, actually not that exaggeration, is quite natural! :) 

Tadaa! Is look quite natural right! Is super comfy, and the diameter is just a great size, not too exaggeration.. Sorry for my bold makeup, I just too lazy to remove my makeup and redo my makeup.. HAHA but hey, this lens are still looking good even in bold makeup uh! Isn't it?! So here are my review about ML1 Gray Circle Lens from Klenspop, I hope you guys found it helpful and if you have any further questions feel free to leave me a comment! 

Comfort: ♥♥♥♥/5