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May 7, 2015

TKY Total Perfection CC Cream

今天要延续TKY化妆品review,续上次review了TKY Pore Silk Base之后
今天我又要在试用它们家的Total Perfection CC Cream, TKY是来自台湾的品牌 
今天让我和大家介绍TKY吧!这次很荣幸的收到了TKY full set旗下产品试用0c08ce0a04037bd38c55b9b3694334db_w48_h48

Hello girls, today I going to review another TKY's product since I had review the TKY PORE SILK BASE week ago, TKY is a cosmetics brand from Taiwan, If you are interesting to know more about TKY products, you must read this post! TKY products are super amazing! 

TKY Total Perfection CC Cream RM75 30ml
声称保养底妆防晒三合一,大家都知道CC Cream的功能吧 
CC Cream功效是混合保养品一起,所以在化妆同时也能保养 
省了很多时间,只要一支CC Cream就能快速完成底妆 

As you known, "CC cream" is used by some brands to mean Color Control cream, or Color Correcting cream, and some brands claim to reduce the appearance of skin redness or sallowness or to improve uneven skin tone. It saved a lot of time to finish your whole makeup. 

CC Cream 质感虽说有些厚,但是很容推开 而且推开后很柔滑 
很快速就能融合进皮肤,而且也不会留下任何粘腻感 非常清爽51ee9b253d4bd9c7d420fe08daa80bd6_w48_h46

TKY Total Perfection CC Cream texture is quite thick, but easy to blend and silky-smooth after you blended into your skin, and leave non-sticky feeling. 

可以使用手指,化妆刷,BB Blender或者粉扑 以个人喜好 
我是喜欢用手指/粉扑,使用手指遮瑕会比较够 若使用粉扑 底妆就会稍薄

All you needed is just a bean-sized and gently dap on face, you can either use Fingers, Makeup Brush, BB Blender or Sponge to apply. But I like to use Fingers either Sponge to apply, Fingers- for more coverage, Sponge- Natural Finish
因为CC Cream会依照肤色而改变,以上图片是我推开CC Cream之后立刻拍 
我对CC Cream的影像就是会非常薄,然后遮瑕能力差 可是自从我用了TKY家的CC Cream之后
因为TKY CC Cream遮瑕能力我觉得是中等,黑眼圈痘疤泛红都遮到 
若想要加重遮瑕,就可以在加一点CC Cream在想遮瑕的地方 然后在重点遮瑕

Here are the difference that I applied CC Cream on half face, TKY Total Perfection CC Cream is match perfectly with my skintone, you might see my face like so "white", because I took this photo after I applied CC Cream on my face. I always thought that CC Cream is give natural looking, so it doesn't suitable for me due to I need more coverage to cover up my flaws. But since I used TKY CC Cream I totally changed my mind! Why say so? Cause TKY CC Cream coverage is medium, which is quite good for me, it can cover up my dark circle and acne scarring around my cheeks. If you want to add more coverage, you can just add more CC cream on the area you wanted to cover up. 

粉底非常雾面没有任何闪粉效果,就matte finish 
对于干性肌肤的我非常喜欢TKY Total Perfection CC Cream 
不止遮瑕能力好,它也具备超高防晒系数 SPF50+
上妆一天只需补粉一次,也没犯任何油光 这点让我觉得很惊奇 下一張(熱鍵:c)
TKY Total Perfection CC Cream适合任何肌肤,油性/混合型肌肤
可能需要在使用CC Cream之后上粉饼定妆在T Zone容易出油的部位

What I have to mentioned is the CC Cream give you matte finish! Which I super impress, super good! Yet for Dry Skin like me, TKY Total Perfection CC Cream are so perfect for me, it doesn't crack my fine lines underneath my eyes yet I felt that a little moisture though. Not only have Medium coverage also it has high sunscreen SPF50 ++!  I only need to touch up if I going out whole day long, also it doesn't feel oily at all! TKY Total Perfection CC Cream are suitable for all skin type, even oily or combination skin! You might just need some powder to set your makeup or T-Zone after you apply CC cream. 

以上图片只是涂一层CC Cream,若想完全遮住痘疤等 可以在涂多一层再用粉饼或蜜粉定妆即可 
效果非常雾面,非常喜欢 也不会感觉油腻或粘腻感觉 非常清爽!也不会阻塞毛孔或冒痘
当然啦,卸妆也是非常重要的 若卸妆不干净 再好的化妆品也会让你的肌肤冒痘痘或阻塞毛孔 
清洁程序一定不能马虎哦 记得要卸干净哦! 不然冒痘痘就糟糕了

Refer to image above, I only apply one layer of CC Cream, if you really wanted a FULL COVERAGE makeup look, you can just add one or two more layer of CC Cream on your face or certain area you want to cover up. Like I said, it gives a very matte-finish effect which I love it so much, you won't feel any oily or stickiness after you applied. It's feel refreshing! Nor will clogged your pores or cause pimples, it won't! Yes, of course you have to remove your makeup, otherwise even you use expensive skin care product also won't get any helps! Remember remove your makeup is most importantly! 

 想要快速又不会阻塞毛孔的完美裸妆神器就是TKY Total Perfection CC Cream! 
用了一次就马上爱上,出门都只用TKY 因为太方便又好用!

If you are looking for some good CC Cream, you can consider TKY Total Perfection CC Cream! I used it once, and I fall in love with it! It super quick to finish your make up, all you needed is TKY!

A. Pore Silky Base 4.2ml RM55
B. Total Perfection CC Cream SPF50++** 30ml RM75
C. Waterproof Gel Eyeliner (Black or Brown) 0.35g RM45
赶紧在促销完之前购入吧! c8fb24f67c29243127d4c1506cbdbb42_w44_h44c8fb24f67c29243127d4c1506cbdbb42_w44_h44

Original Price RM175, but now with Value Packs Deals it only cost RM158 included postage! Grab it now before too late! 

TKY 毛孔隱形霜 Pore Silk Base: http://www.koeyleow.com/2015/05/tky-pore-silk-base-review.html

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