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Jan 3, 2016

Banish Acne Scars Kit Review

Hello Girls, it's been a long time I didn't blog about beauty stuff! Well, Happy New Year! And I miss you guys!!! Okay back to the topic, Some of you might heard about Banish before, but some of you might not heard about this brand,  FYI, this brand is from Los Angeles California and is products that especially made for acne skin. So if you're my loyal readers, you might known that I don't have flawless skin, I'm acne-prone skin, and this problem is actually entangled me been so many years, I've tried tons of products that claims to fight acne, laser, facial etc, I DID AS WELL. My skins has once turn better but it become bad again when my daily routine went wrong, like I stay up too late cause watching drama, lol. WATCH DRAMA = GET KARMA. But, a year ago I received Banish Kit from Banish, which I mentioned it came from Los Angeles, California, it's a products that especially for acne skin, I tried. And I found out is actually working on me, so today I going to share with you guys what my opinion on Banish, without further ado let's get started!  

So, here is what I received: Banish Kit
  • an all natural Vitamin C, E, Ferulic Acid Serum
  • Banisher
  • cleaning container
  • storage bag.
  • All you need is isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) or boiling water to clean the Banisher

Banisher: an applicator used to apply Banish's natural Vitamin C serum 
Banish's vitamin C serum is made with all natural ingredients and no preservatives to help your skin heal.
It helps fade and prevent hyperpigmentation and vitamin c is needed for your skin to promote collagen production. 

The roller I get is 0.5mm, it goes a little deeper so it can help heal indented scarring like rolling scar, box,scar ice pick scar, as well as hyperpigmentation, fine lines, and wrinkles. 

S  Banisher:  serum absorption, fine lines, discoloration 
M Banisher: all of the above, hyperpigmentation, acne scarring and fine lines/wrinkles 
Pen  : Get this if you have active acne. Use around active pimples. Great for spot treating scars
L Body : For getting rid of scars on your body, plus it gets rid of stretch marks, and reduces the appearance of cellulite. A large roller that covers more surface area of the skin.

  • Banish's bristles are created out of titanium.
  • Titanium is stronger and has less risk of infection than other metals.
  • Titanium is lightweight but strong, compared to steel which is much heavier.
  • Titanium is non-porous, which is less likely to cause an allergic reaction compared to other metals
  • Titanium is non corrosive, compared to steel which can rust easily.
  • Titanium is more expensive than steel.

  • Vitamin C is a nutrient for your body that is vital to skin and overall health.  
  • Vitamin C necessary for your skin to create and collagen and it helps accelerate collagen growth.
  • It is water-soluble so any excess amount is easily filtered out!
  • Vitamin C is also an antioxidant, and antioxidants slow down the body's aging process! 
  • Ferulic Acid is another antioxidant that is super powerful and it's found in cell walls of plants like apples, rice, and oranges and it helps stabilize the vitamin c.
  • Vitamin E is an antioxidant and moisturizer.

  • This antioxidant packed serum will ward off any skin damage to your skin from constant exposure to the elements in your daily life.
  • Slows your skin's aging process so you will feel and look younger.  
  • Vitamin C helps your skin stay elastic by promoting collagen growth
  • Vitamin C is anti-inflammatory

I must says I LOVE THE SMELLS! It so sweet, I mean seriously I never taste a serum sweet like Banish serum before lol. But of course, I not do this on purpose. The serum has quite thick texture, but quite watery as well, fast absorption which I love the most!

How To Use:
1. Start with a clean face. Wash your skin with a gentle cleanser. Make sure to do the treatment on a day where you won't need to wear makeup. It's not recommended to wear makeup right after a treatment.

2. Sterilize your roller every time you use it. Pour some rubbing alcohol into the cleaning container. Set the roller head in the container for at least 30 minutes. Take roller out and leave to dry. If alchohol is not available, boil some water and add some salt. Dip the roller into the boiling salt water for a couple minutes. Leave roller to dry.

3.When the roller is dry, you are now ready to begin. Clean and sanitize your hands. It's important to have a clean area so the area you will be treating will not get infected.

4. Start with a small area and move back and forth a few times using moderate pressure. Start out gradually with a few strokes. If the pain is tolerable, you can move to 5-8 strokes.

5. After going in one direction, move perpendicular to that area and roll the roller back and forth.
Move along directions of the face. Most common are along the cheeks, sides of face. If pain is tolerable, roller can be used along the forehead, sides of nose, and jawline. 

6. When done rolling, apply some of the vitamin enriched serum onto the skin. Apply a dropper full of serum on palms and gently pat along the face.

7. Avoid wearing makeup or creams for the rest of the day. Skincare and makeup routine can be followed as normal the following day. If you roll at night, you can wear makeup and continue your regular skincare routine in the morning.

8.Clean roller again (disinfect and alcohol ) and dry before storing it back in the case. It's important not to store a wet roller in the case, as bacteria could grow.

To be honest, I been using Banish Kit for such a long time almost a year, and honestly I found out is actually really working on my acne skin. It fade away my acne and scarring, but there's something I don't like about Banish Kit which is, is makes my skin look so red and itches like irritation. I have to use facial mask or Aloe Vera to cool down immediately, otherwise my face keep on red like tomato, I couldn't dare to go out with this face which I going to show you photos in below.

IS SO HORRIBLE RIGHT, I don't know is my skin problem or the serum problem? Or I strokes too many times? LOL. But it really makes my skin so red and itches. Itches may because of the serum, but redness I think is probably my skin can't tolerate? But I must says is really works on my skin besides of making my skins look redness and itches, it really faded out my scarring as you can see from picture above. 

Banish kit is really so awesome, I can just grab this bag during my vacation! But you only need to do once or twice a week! Based on your skin condition of course, You can roll as often as you can, but it's recommended to start out with once every 2 weeks and then build up to every once a week. It takes about a month for skin to heal, so be patient to see results! Please note that scarring is damage to the skin and don't believe any product or treatment that will guarantee flawless skin overnight! It takes months, upon years, for the skin to heal. If you used Banish products before, feel free to leave me a comment see what you think of banish! Do you thinks is effectively on your skin? Do you like it? Or you have same problem like mine having redness and itches after applied serum? Feel free to leave me a comment! 

For more information:- 

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