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Sep 30, 2015

Ns Nice 恩奈斯海藻面膜

相信大家对恩奈斯非常熟悉,它是近期在FB微信Instagram都很火红的牌子,最热门的就是他们家的面膜,想要看我review的可以点击这里,我是蛮喜欢他们家的面膜的 非常透薄保湿能力够美白能力也很好,于是我就默默一直在关注恩奈斯这品牌,知道他们新推出了海藻面膜。二话不说就立马下定预购哈哈!因为老实说其实海藻面膜现在是蛮红的,不是在马来西亚而是在中国泰国台湾香港等,海藻面膜?老实说我没听过也没用过,于是非常期待的!!等了两个星期终于海藻面膜到我家啦!!!二话不说 让我们开始吧 

 恩奈斯海藻面膜有分好多种哦!有泰国海藻王,黑玫瑰籽海藻王,玫瑰海藻王,薰衣草海藻王,野菊花海藻王,绿茶海藻王,芦荟海藻王,珍珠海藻王以及牛奶海藻王。每个都有不同的功效,而我选择的就是【芦荟海藻王】因为芦荟海藻王能够美白,排毒,消炎,祛痘祛斑以及修复!而且也加上我平时也有用芦荟产品的习惯 所以就选择了芦荟海藻王。

 不要小看它很小一罐,它可以使用高达30次以上,因为每次用的分量只需很少 所以很实用又实惠!管子里有个封口 需要用手打开,然后用盖子盖上即可。
而且他还附送面膜容器哦 !超贴心的


用量我使用最大号的汤匙,两汤匙加入冷水就可以敷整脸,加入冷水后 海藻面膜变得很像类似Jelly这样  因为里面含有非常多的胶原所以对皮肤细胞的修复和保护非常好,需要用手来贴 

 用法是非常可爱的!我们需要自己用手来贴敷在脸上 然后自己依照脸型来敷,虽然是蛮麻烦的啦 不过为了皮肤 真的不会觉得麻烦 哈哈 上手后就会很快速可以完成了


 静待20分钟后就可以取下海藻面膜喽!脸部敷完后 别拿去丢哦,还可以拿来敷颈项,手部,或身体其他需要补水的地方! 
 敷完后皮肤明显感觉到非常水嫩,而且脸蛋提亮了,毛孔也缩小了!比起面膜,我比较喜欢海藻面膜 因为还可以自己DIY 然后效果很好!:D 

海藻面膜真的是比起普通面膜来的还要水嫩和保湿,效果明显!大爱大爱,而且在马来西亚这种那么闷热的天气 加上最近天气不好,敷了海藻面膜觉得皮肤都干净了许多!而且皮肤也没那么容易出油了!恩奈斯海藻面膜不贵哦!只需RM108,而且可以用非常久啊!真的是非常实用以及实惠!若大家有兴趣购买可以联络一下卖家,他的服务态度很好 恩奈斯面膜也是向他买的哦!对了,这篇不是邀稿文哦,是我自购分享给大家的,希望大家喜欢!

Wechat: ryantan1069 
WhatsApp: +60128870610 

Sep 29, 2015

Olecule - 还原我Baby肌肤

 不知道大家有听过【Olecule】这品牌吗,它是来两大医美品牌同一卦的说——授权于英国、制造于美国的医美品牌,主张以医疗性的效果,让肌肤问题在最短的时间内得以解决。老实说我也没听过Olecule这品牌呢,不过代理商很有信心地告诉我 这产品一定会让你爱上!哇靠,心想怎么有那么大的勇气说出这句话啊?于是收到了产品之后就开始使用,相信大家都知道我的脸蛋其实不是很好,皮肤很干,有痘痘,痘疤以及毛孔粗大暗黄等多问题。就是非常烂的皮肤就对了,如果你们有看过我以前Youtube影片 相信大家也有目睹过我的脸真的很烂,但当我使用了这套产品之后 没想到我的皮肤真的开始好转,当然不是说一用就好那么厉害,每个产品都需要时间来发挥效果。于是,在一个月前开始有许多人留言说我的皮肤开始好了,身边的朋友也这么说,老实说如果不是朋友们或网友们和我说 我还发觉不到,我脸颊最为严重区域的痘疤和痘痘竟然减少了!现在我真的超级喜欢这系列产品,每天都坚持再用!!即使再懒惰,我都不马虎 我都一直在使用!

除了洗脸产品,Toner,Moisturizer 和Olecule产品之外我都没用其他护肤品了,因为我深怕我再乱用其他产品我的脸蛋又会毁灭了哈哈!相信大家看了那么长的东西 已经开始不耐烦!好啦 我知道我很罗嗦啦,现在就和大家介绍我收到的产品。图中的3样15ml的产品就是我每天在使用的,你一定不敢相信15ml的产品竟然能够医好我的烂脸!这三样宝贝就是 Phyto White+, B5 Moist, Barrier Repair. 这三样宝贝都是依照我皮肤使用的哦,我的皮肤就是干燥型然后有痘痘和痘疤暗黄等。

均衡淨白精華Phyto White+

產品簡介: 嶄新美白成份WHITONYL®,有效操控黑色素母細胞的活躍程度,從而抑制黑色素於底層繁殖,效果更見顯著。黃瓜蘊含豐富維他命C,能將氧化的黑色素還原,並抑制黑色素增生,持久減淡色斑及色素沈澱。維他命B3及積雪草,能修復肌膚及舒緩發炎。

產品成分 :WHITONYL®,α 熊果素,麴酸,維他命B3及B5,積雪草,黃瓜,及銀杏等植物精華
適合皮膚 :可作長期使用的高效天然日用美白產品,敏感 / 療程後皮膚亦適合使用搭配

Description: Whitonyl® acts on different steps involved in the skin pigmentation process, delivers triple actions to brighten the skin. Improves skin discoloration with Alpha Arbutin and Kojic Acid. It effectively addresses melasma and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation(PIH), strengthens self regenerating capacity of the skin, soothes irritated skin and provides antioxidant protection.

Ingredients: WHITONYL®, α-Arbutin, Kojic Acid, Vitamin B3 and B5, Centella asiatica extract, Cucumber Extract, Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract

Skin Types: Safe melanin-suppressing product for post-procedures skin and for long-term usage, even sensitive and post-procedure skin 

B5水潤露 B5 Moist

產品簡介 : 含大小透明質酸復成粒子。大粒子能吸收空氣中千倍水份, 補充脂質層所需,較細粒子俱有修補細胞抗氧化功效, 能補充肌膚已流失的水份。促進新陳代謝, 骨膠原蛋白及彈力蛋白增生。
產品成分: 透明質酸, 維他命B5
適合皮膚: 適合任何肌膚使用

Description: With multi-molecular weight hyaluronic acid. High molecular weight Hyaluronic Acid can attract 1000 times its weight in water to hydrate the skin. Low molecular weight Hyaluronic Acid can penetrate into the dermal layer to boost up colagen production and to prevent transdermal water loss. Vitamin B5 helps tissue repair and nutrients replenishment. It improves barrier function and skin appearance significantly.

Ingredients: Hyaluronic Acid, Vitamin B5
Skin Type: Suitable for all skin types

鎖水修護精華 Barrier Repair

產品簡介: 磷脂質Ceramide,是最天然,最貼近肌膚脂質層的份子能修補皮膚脂膜及阻止環境的刺激, 並避免皮膚水分過度流失。充足的Ceramide 能抓住角質層中的水分,讓肌膚隨時充滿水分,讓肌膚水嫩潤滑。己基癸醇和角鯊烯使皮膚保持柔軟舒爽。

產品成分: 磷脂質,脂肪酸,角鯊烯 ,己基癸醇,環甲矽脂
適合皮膚 :特別敏感性或激光前後使用

Description: Ceramide, is the most natural, closest to the lipid layer of the skin elements that can repair skin barrier and helps to prevent trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL). It repairs the skin barrier with Squalane, Ceramide and Fatty Acids by building up good protection layer against the foreign substances. Squalane restores DNA damage and strengthens the immune system.

Ingredients: Ceramide, Fatty Acids, Squalene, Hexyldecanol, Bisabolol
Skin Types: Suitable for all skin types, especially sensitive /dry /post-procedures skin

以上就和大家介绍了三样宝贝的功效,对你没看错 我只是用这三样宝贝就还原我像baby的肌肤惹!!先说说我目前的Skincare Routine.  Benzac Daily Foaming Facial Cleanser > Clinelle Caviar Gold Firming Lotion > Swissbel Vitamin B12 Cream PLUS Moisturizing Cream > Phyto White+ > B5 Moist > Barrier Repair 

Olecule Phyto White+ 
质地非常清爽属于纯水质,有种像baby powder的味道,它是能够解决不均匀肤色,黑色素,痘疤。这产品超强,记得前几个月因为女人病要来了所以脸上生了不少很大颗痘痘 讨厌死了!于是用了Phyto White+ 两个星期后,痘疤竟然消浅了!!三个星期后,痘疤印完全没了 它的修复效果真的非常强!尤其是痘疤! 

Price: RM198.00 

Olecule B5 Moist
由于产品主要成份包括了维生素B5、B3以及高浓度的玻尿酸Sodium Hyaluronate。所以质地偏粘稠 但是吸收能力非常快速 而且真的非常保湿,化妆前一定要用上!!不然皮肤会很卡粉 妆容会不持久,有时候还把B5 Moist加进粉底液里面呢!你就知道我是多么爱用B5 Moist!你别以为它质地粘稠就很难推哦,它是非常容易推进皮肤 而且吸收能力超级快,而且我还加强按摩让它吸收更快 感觉脸蛋都会很紧致而且一点都不粘腻哦!!只需一点份量 就能涂抹整脸!使用后最明显的效果就是,毛孔变小了!如果你们看过我素颜 你们真的会被我粗大的毛孔吓到!!不是夸张,我的毛孔真的非常大 自从用了B5 Moist之后,它帮组了我缩小毛孔 锁水能力超强啊!! 

Price: RM128.00

Olecule Barrier Repair 
Barrier Repair质地就偏油性,但是渗透能力很强 很快速就能吸收进皮肤底层。这产品是主打和B5 Moist一起使用,当皮肤吸收大量水分之后用上Barrier Repair就能修复皮肤屏障,并有助于防止经表皮水分流失,恢复DNA损伤和增强免疫系统以及帮助抗氧化与加强平衡并稳定肌肤pH值,为受损的肌肤细胞进行有效的更新与修复工作。

Price: RM198.00

那么好用的宝贝怎么能不分享给你们呢?!其实分享给大家也是因为在Youtube频道上网友留言和我说我皮肤怎么越来越好,当然会越来越好啊 因为使用了我三样最爱的宝贝Olecule,呵呵!使用了三个月皮肤真的明显改善了许多,而且我发现黑头也会比较慢长出来了,在还没用Olecule产品之前 我可是需要每一个星期去做去除黑头粉刺的面膜!除了黑头粉刺的到改善之外,肤色一向不均匀的我 终于均匀改善了,哈哈!而且平常素颜的我脸颊都红彤彤 每次都被人家问是不是敏感,其实是因为痘痘太多都红红的 所以导致大家误认我皮肤敏感!Olecule也在短时间内改善了我双颊泛红的问题!Olecule的产品怎么都那么强啦!为什么!!我知道你们一定觉得每天必须塗那么多保养品一定很难又很懒惰,可是为了脸蛋就拼了啊!难道你一辈子都想要有痘痘吗?哈哈!为了美,我也是每天很勤力的去用Olecule产品,才会得到如此效果,想要完美无瑕皮肤当然不能偷懒!虽然产品是蛮贵的,不过我用完了一定会再买 因为太好用了!!希望那么好的产品 也能帮组你们的宝贝皮肤得到改善!

Phyto White+: RM198 (15ml)
B5 Moist: RM129 (15ml)
Barrier Repair: RM198 (15ml)

Sep 26, 2015

Take Eat Easy @ Kepong

Take Eat Easy is one of the restaurant that currently popular at Facebook, so my bf and I yesterday went to try it!! And I going to share my thoughts on it. Without further ado, let's get started 

We arrived at 8 something, and it's so crowded inside the restaurant, and we need to queue for about 15 minutes, meanwhile waiters serve us with some cheese cake while waiting in line.

Perfect Squeeze - Aloha Vacation (Watermelon, Honeydew, Orange) RM9.50 
Reduces body heatiness, improves blood circulation and hydrates body

Aloha Vacation taste so fresh and not too sweet which I quite love. 

Mighty Breakfast RM26.80 
Omelette, Chicken Mushrooms Sausage, Turkey or Beef Bacon, Sauteed Mushrooms, Baked Beans, Cherry Tomatoes, Hashbrown and Salad with Bread. 

This is so nice, must try!! I noticed that every table will have this Mighty Breakfast!! Me and my boyfriend share share to eat this, but of course this size of food can't fit both of monster tummy, hehe! So we order pizza! I love the garlic bread, chicken mushrooms sausage and turkey bacon, but for the hashbrown has already cold, I think is too much people keep coming so they make it earlier to prevent late serving... And ohh, did I mentioned is pretty fast their served us foods? Like 15 minutes of waiting only! :D

Hulu Hawaiian RM16.80 
Turkey and Chicken Ham with pineapple, onion, tomato ring, black olive and bacon bits.  
THIS IS SO GOOD! SO GOOD! SO GOOD! HAHAHAHA, I don't think everyone of you can accept the taste of Black Olive, but for me is delicious! So that why I keep saying so good!! HAHA but of course, the pizza is delicious as well.. Quite juicy and the pizza crust is won't too dry, cuz you know some of pizza crust is quite dry you need to keep drink water when eating lol. Besides of foods, they provided Cakes, Breads and Desserts as well, but we didn't order. So here's is what we ordered, I know is quite less, but is already so full!! And those foods are so delicious, now I know why the line is so long!! The price is quite reasonable and the foods is delicious as well! And oh, the waiters service is friendly as well!! You can go have a try if you drop by Kepong, but you have to wait for awhile! But is worth! :)

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teec.my?fref=ts

Sep 22, 2015

Klairs Creamy & Natural Fit Concealer Review

Tadaa, Welcome to Klairs' latest addition to their makeup range. This creamy concealer was designed to be used in conjunction with their Illuminating Supple Blemish Cream (click here for a full review) but it works wonderfully by itself or under your own choice of makeup or bb cream. And to be honest, Concealers often leave my skin feeling dry and uncomfortable, but not this one. Without Further Ado, let's begin my review. 
 Creamy & Natural Fit Concealer- the only concealer you’ll ever want !
Fall in love with the Creamy & Natural Fit Concealer and experience what a true concealer should do ! With all natural ingredients and a safe, soothing formula for excellent coverage, the Creamy & Natural Fit Concealer is made for even the most sensitive skin for the all-around, hydrating coverage you’ve been looking for.

Worry no more about coverage with the Creamy & Natural Fit Concealer.
The Creamy & Natural Fit Concealer is made with natural ingredients and absolutely free irritating chemicals for a naturally effective formula. It hydrates and soothes while providing excellent coverage to conceal pores, blemishes, redness, and any target areas - ideal for even the most sensitive skin. Fall in love with the Creamy & Natural Fit Concealer’s natural formula and flaunt your naturally flawless look !

How to use
1) Apply an adequate amount to target areas in need of coverage. 
2) After waiting for about 15 seconds, gently tap the edges of the concealed spot to blend in the edges (*heavy tapping may remove the concealer so lightly tap only the edges). 
3) If needed, go over with a BB cream or foundation for extra coverage.

The texture is thick but easily blended onto skin and leave no sticky.. This concealer has medium coverage. But one thing I don't like is This concealer only comes in one shade, which may be frustrating for some, but I have found that is similar to the Klairs BB cream which also only comes in one shade but suits a multitude of skin tones. But for my yellowish skin tone after applied Foundation, it can be use as highlighter either covers my blemish and pores as well.. :) 
I use Klairs Creamy & Natural Fit Concealer under my eyes, and also areas that I need to cover and highlight such as bridge of my nose, chin and forehead. For the Concealer, it's really creamy and moisturising. It blends seamlessly into the skin. However, the coverage is sheer-medium, which is expected from most concealers with moisturising properties. 

Klairs product never failed me, they product is works amazingly! It's simple and sleek; the tube size is pretty standard and travel friendly. Like a lot of concealers, this one also comes with a doe foot applicator. Moreover, It is worked perfectly with Klairs Illuminating Supple Blemish Cream! So if you looking for concealer that is moisturizing, you may be can give this a try! You can get Klairs Creamy & Natural Fit Concealer at Wishtrend.  Also, there will be a promotion going on from 18th Sep - 24th Sep: buy 1 Klairs BB Cream and receive this concealer for free.

WISHSEP2015 = 10% OFF orders $55+ 
WISHGIFTSEP2015 = One free C21.5 Mask Sheet on any order

Price: USD 14.00  

Dear Klairs Illuminating Supple Blemish Cream Review

Hello girls, it's time for beauty review! This time I going to review BB Cream from Klairs which made in Korea. Dear Klairs, Illuminating Supple Blemish Cream is one of the BB Cream that I always wanted to try, and Thank You Wishtrend for giving me this lovely product to try out. This BB cream is a all-in-one product, combining sunscreen, primer, foundation, and finishing powder.. Woo sounds amazing right?  Moreover, the Klairs Illuminating Supple Blemish Cream allows to create a very natural look, and yet gives a good coverage. Without Further Ado, Let's get started! 

 Natural, but still pretty.
No grey cast / No dry patch / No cakey 
Redness and pores coverage.
 Anti-irritation formula.
SPF40 PA+++

1) Natural, translucent finish
The Klairs Illuminating Supple Blemish Cream revolutionized the grayscale shade of many Korean BB creams. It doesn’t thickly cover the skin for the natural, lively skin tone look. Depending on skin type and personal preference, can be mixed with matte foundation. 

2) Complete hydration even for dry, sensitive skin
As an hydration cream, it applies closely even to dry, sensitive skin and adds healthy shine to make the skin lively and youthful. With a mild, hypoallergenic formula, it’s safe to use on sensitive skin as well. 

3) Multiple applications without the clumping
The Klairs Illuminating Supple Blemish Cream is made with Klair’s special formula for effective coverage of pores and redness. Multiple applications for additional coverage is possible without the clumping or heaviness for a natural finish.

For the texture it is quite watery, and easy blend onto the skin. The shade looks very natural and the BB cream doesn’t look like being a heavy or thick layer. But for my yellowish skintone, it is quite light for my skintone. 


 How to use
1) Apply an adequate amount of bb cream onto the index finger.
2) Blend out from the under eye area to the lateral part of the cheek.
3) Dab gently around the applied area to blend in well to the skin.
4) Continue with the rest of your beauty routine like normal.

After applied one layer of Klairs Illuminating Supple Blemish Cream. I must says it does reduces the appearance of redness, you can spots my pimples on my forehead. For the coverage, it may not be high coverage, but it gives an airbrushed look. And it does not leave my skin any stickiness, but soft and smooth. Moreover, it doesn't make my skin look dry nor greasy at all, but I do feel a bit of dry around my nose after going out for 8 hours. 

So far, I quite in love with Dear Klairs Illuminating Supple Blemish Cream, even though it don't have high coverage but it give me a very natural look. Which I super in love with it! It is my currently on-to-go BB Cream! If you wanted more coverage, you may try with the Klairs Creamy & Fit Concealer (click here for a full review) for more flawless looking. But I more prefer natural looking for day out and work. Unless I go for party or important date. This BB Cream it is really good for me, and maybe you can have a try? It reduces redness and give you a very natural looking. You can get Klairs Illuminating Supple Blemish Cream at wishtrend

WISHSEP2015 = 10% OFF orders $55+ 
WISHGIFTSEP2015 = One free C21.5 Mask Sheet on any order

Price: USD 24.99 (free gift with Klairs Creamy & Fit Concealer)