About me

Dec 31, 2014

Last Day of 2014

Blink of an eye, today is the last day of 2014. It's so much happened in 2014, I have so much want to talk with my readers, friends, family and my love one. So I'd like to write down this blog post to says Thank You for who still here supporting me. What I have done in 2014? So.. just some recap

 When I still a teenage girls with long hair 

 Phewww, I cut my hair to short. And I loved it. I did eyebrow embroidery, eyelashes extension etc..
I also did my very first OOTD post, surprisingly a lot of readers ask for more OOTD post, even I have no any fashion sense. lol. 

 Did my first Makeup Pictorial on my blog, this blog post is over 3k visited today. THANK YOU! 

 Youtube! Yes, this is my own youtube channel! I do makeup tutorial, skincare or vlog!
I remember few months ago, I only have 9 subscribers, and now already increase to 78 subscribers! Thank you who ever subscribe to my youtube channel, I really appreciate it so much, I love reading comments from my readers, or received email from them, it made me feel so happy that they enjoy watching my videos! Love 



 Yes, 28th December is my birthday! I never expect that I gonna have a awesome birthday celebration before! I just thought my boyfriend may have prepare some surprise for me, but I didn't expect his organize my birthday celebration at a hotel, and invited my best friend come to give me a super big surprise! OMFG, I was cry like a kid when I saw my best friend walking towards to me with birthday cake, some more with a love shape candles and 12 roses on bed. CAN'T STOP CRYING!! Thank you my beloved boyfriend & best friends gave me an awesome 19 birthday party! I LOVE YOU! 
Here some funny picture me and my silly, hehe. 

Also, Thank You daddy for this Christmas & Birthday Present! I finally have smartphone! A brand new iPhone 6 Plus in Gold! Btw What's on my iPhone & How I Edit My Instagram Photos video are going to upload to my youtube channel, stay tuned! 

In 2014, I been through down, mad, depressed, disappointed. But I been through all the situation, I survived. Just wanna say a big thanks for my blog readers, PR company, Manoah, DRx Clinic, Thank you all gave me a chances, to do product review, attend event, sponsorship etc. It my honor to worked with you, and to my parents, boyfriend and my friends. Thank You All for still staying my side, you're the reason why I smile :) 

In 2015. I not longer Teenager, I am officially 20 years old! 
I will do a better me in 2015, to blog more, filming more videos, more tutorial! And wish all of you have a Happy New Year! A brand new year, a brand new me! All the best, and good luck folks. 

Dec 18, 2014

How To: Apply Double Sided Tape 韩国IB Magical Tape雙面雙眼皮貼

 可是因為睡眠時間不定 所以搞得我右邊的雙眼皮現在變成內雙了,好煩惱啊  
可是買了貼了一點都不隱形啊!每次都被男朋友取笑 好可惡!
當然也試過有膠水啦 可是反而更嚴重了,眼皮一直被膠水粘著 好不舒服 眼睛完全關不起來
蕾絲雙眼皮貼 我也試過 雖說隱形可是持久時間短暫!
最近我被推薦試用這兩款來自韓國IB Magical Tape 雙面雙眼皮貼,因為沒使用過 所以好期待! 0c08ce0a04037bd38c55b9b3694334db_w48_h48

來自韓國的IB Magical Tape雙面雙眼皮貼

我手上都貼了三款不一樣的雙眼皮貼,一款是我自己本身用著的單面雙眼皮貼,另外兩款是韓國IB Magical Tape 雙面雙眼皮貼
防水度很明顯是韓國IB Magical Tape 雙面雙眼皮貼略勝一籌!我本身用的單面雙眼皮都快掉了下來! 
隱形度不得不說這款雙面雙眼皮貼真的大贏家!真的超隱形 而且黏度很強544e08240cee04253923df4e29d3b55c_w48_h48544e08240cee04253923df4e29d3b55c_w48_h48


記住喔~這款IB Magical Tape 雙面雙眼皮貼,是雙面

先來看對比圖吧!你看我的眼皮是不是很不均勻,一個雙眼皮美的要命 一個醜的要死1380598734-1265249247 


如果你要眼皮比較深邃 當然可以把雙眼皮貼黏在比雙眼皮高一點的位置就可以了 


使韓國IB Magical Tape 雙面雙眼皮貼更隱形更自然的方法!

我是剪掉其中一段 剩大概一半的size直接貼上眼睛了也比較自然而且隱形 

老實說我真的蠻喜歡用這款韓國IB Magical Tape 雙面雙眼皮貼
超隱形!黏度強! 防水能力強!持久度當然也是強啊!

真心強力推薦韓國IB Magical Tape 雙面雙眼皮貼給你們!而且價錢也不貴 物超所值!

1包 細長Slim  66双 - RM30  (適合內雙或雙眼皮)
1 包 寬型Wide 54双 - RM30(適合單眼皮或雙眼皮)
1 包 Slim 11双 + Wide 9双 - RM12 (試用版本 Trial Set) 

聯絡方式 Contact: 
Facebook: I-Beauty 
Wechat: ChloeN812
Whatapps: 0174188728